“Hard blows but fair blows”: A Conversation with Justin Braun, Bronx ADA

In this episode, I chat with Justin Braun, former “Negatones” band member and current Bronx ADA. We delve into the world of defendants’ appeal rights [@:13], what it means to be innocent versus “not guilty” [@:16], and how one can be creative in trial presentations [@:24]. Hint: a little sound engineering background goes a long way! And be sure to listen to the end—Justin recounts a surprising story about serving on law review back in the ’50’s and 60’s [@:38]. (With a caveat: this story is not about him!)

You can read up more on the "Negatones" on SPIN.com, purchase their music on iTunes, and look up Professor Braun at Cardozo Law. And, like all good lawyers, below is a citation to the Court of Appeals case Justin and I discuss:

[@:2] People v Gray, 2016 NY Slip Op 02476 (Ct App 2016), https://law.justia.com/cases/new-york/court-of-appeals/2016/32.html.

The music featured on this week's episode is courtesy of (obviously!) Justin and his band "The Negatones." 

Justin Braun headshot